Семейный фотограф, фотограф на торжество, репортажный фотограф

This guy’s name is Sasha. I photographed him regularly for his birthday. It’s cool when parents understand the importance of inviting a professional to a family celebration.

I think this boy, will be grateful to me, BUT in about 20-30 years.
I have a profession of distant gratitude)

A family photographer who is invited on a regular basis is good because he is already known, used to him. As I was told, you are already part of our family.

This is the 3rd time I have photographed this family. 2016, 2018, 2022.

It’s interesting to see the shared family portraits.

Семейный фотограф, фотограф на торжество, репортажный фотограф
Семейный фотограф, фотограф на торжество, репортажный фотограф
Семейный фотограф, фотограф на торжество, репортажный фотограф

Invite a professional photographer! This is important!


Family Photographer

Creating a logo

Ayurveda-Tour logo. Ayurvedic tours and treatment in India.
Family Photographer

Looking for work!

Looking for a job in Poland. Warsaw. Possible any city in Europe.
Family Photographer

Wedding photo shoot

A wonderful summer day at the wedding of Arina and Alexander.
Family Photographer

Photobook — 100 years

Photobook for my grandfather’s centenary.
Family Photographer

Toy Master Irina Prilukova

A photo story about people who changed their occupation due to circumstances.
Family Photographer

Photo shoot by artist Kate Shi

The story of how a woman found himself in what he loved.
Family Photographer

25 Rules of Life

Photographer Aleksey Kaznadey
Family Photographer


I shaved my head. Lifelines on the skull of the Kaznadey.
Family Photographer

Photo Story

Completed the course “Photohistory.
Family Photographer

I’m in the Jazz World Photo finals

I am in the top 30 jazz photographers in the world.
Family Photographer

Details of Jazz

The sound of jazz
Family Photographer

“Seeing Jazz” photo exhibition

Photo exhibition of jazz photography
Family Photographer

“Innovation and development of computer technology.” Photo

Seminar in the business center “Olympus
Family Photographer

LenArt Studio Birthday. Photo

Intuitive Drawing Studio Elena Ruzova “LenArt
Family Photographer

I am among the 30 leading jazz photographers in the world!

I have been a finalist twice in the prestigious Jazz World Photo competition